Posted: August 13th, 2022

An organization with a highly diverse workforce that conducts business internationaly has hired you as a consultant to make a presentation to the team. The organization wants you to discuss some of the barriers to good communication and cultural nuances that they may encounter when working and communicating with employees and suppliers

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An organization with a highly diverse workforce that conducts business internationaly has hired you as a consultant to make a presentation to the team. The organization wants you to discuss some of the barriers to good communication and cultural nuances that they may encounter when working and communicating with employees and suppliers. Although everyone speaks English, some of the workforce and suppliers are in China, Germany, and Saudi Arabia, so the president has asked you to create a video for the presentation. Create a 5- to 10-minute video or an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation with audio, identifying some of the cultural nuances they wil encounter and barriers to good communication when interacting with different cultures. Make sure you address the folowing: Identify common chalenges faced in cross-cultural communication. Describe some of the strategies they can use to overcome those barriers. Explain five of the nine levels of differences that can affect cross-cultural communication. Discuss the importance of nonverbal communication. You have the option to create a video or PowerPoint slide presentation with audio. Include at least three outside sources in your presentation. The video option should be at least 5 minutes in length, using a YouTube channel or equivalent. The YouTube Upload Instructions can help with this. Include charts or graphics as necessary to effectively present your findings. Graphics can be presented using screenshots or screencast software for your video. If choosing this option, upload a document with the link to your video and a transcript of your video. The document should also include a reference list and citations. The PowerPoint option should consist of an 8- to 10-slide presentation (not counting the title and reference slides) with proper APA formatting for citations and a reference slide. Include charts or graphics as necessary to effectively present your findings. You must use audio to fuly explain your slides. Be sure to elaborate in your audio; do not simply repeat the text. USE SPEAKER NOTES AND I WILL MAKE THE AUDIO AFTER.

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