Posted: August 24th, 2022

Picture your self in the next 5 years within the Hospitality Technology industry. You are building a Hotel Spa with 70 guest rooms, what are the items you will use to make your hotel spa the most Tech savvy hotel spa. What will you add to your hotel to make it the “hot spot” that everyone will want to stay at?

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Picture your self in the next 5 years within the Hospitality Technology industry. You are building a Hotel Spa with 70 guest rooms, what are the items you will use to make your hotel spa the most Tech savvy hotel spa. What will you add to your hotel to make it the “hot spot” that everyone will want to stay at?
Make sure you have all the Technology for the next 5 years, what would that be? How much will it cost? Please give details and add pictures. No more that 300 words. Please feel free to use both MS Word and MS Power Point.

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