Posted: August 24th, 2022

The Customer Technology Interface

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Discussion Thread Marketing: Sub Topic 2.3 The Customer Technology Interface
In the week one discussion, we will cover the many main topics which affect different marketing areas from distribution, promotion, technologies, products, and services. Marketing will meet various challenges which change the ways consumers view marketing problems. For example, the subtopic I choose to discuss will explain how the customer technology interface enhances customer interaction and customer engagement within a business (Singh et al., 2021). In today’s markets businesses are finding innovative ways to connect and appeal to their customers base with social media advertising, interactive smartphone technologies, online services, and user-friendly services apps to reach consumers. According to Pocin et al. (2017) smartphone technologies will allow retailers and businesses to give consumers a whole new creative customer experience and build customers relationships. Customer technology interface is when the consumers use technological devices to access products and services to improve overall customer engagement, service automation, and shopping experience (Singh et al., 2021). Customer technology interface will aid businesses in meeting the customers’ needs with access improve online and in-store shopping experiences (Pocin et al., 2017).
Customer technologies interface is in a developing shows progress in its current state of research. Some major factors are service interface, customer engagement, customer interaction and business interaction, and smart devices which help the customer interface process (Singh et al., 2021). Organizations will understand the current state of research in using effective customer interface technology will increase how to keep customer satisfaction by analyzing the customers’ feedback (Mishra et al., 2021). In understanding, customer technology interface research outcomes companies will have to discover how to always expand and integrate technologies for service interface with multisensory interface with virtual experience, for example, some websites
and apps use virtual sample services consumers would use before buying the product. Many businesses help customers to use new technologies like service-self technology to make purchases items online and pay bills online creating easy customer interactions. According to Shim et al. (2021), self-service technology is a growing innovative trend based on the consumer technology readiness index in which consumers interface and customer engagement support consumer satisfaction with products and services from an online business.
Another research trend is customer technology interface uses another kind of artificial intelligence format known to many consumers as a chatbot service. The chatbot is a digital customer service computerized text service that will give customers a choice to communicate with customers service representatives about services issues (Nordheim et al., 2019). The research found in all articles was related to my topic customer technology interface is driven by customer interaction. Customer interaction is another key influence of how businesses use self- service by measuring different perspectives of customer interface products. Customer technology interfaces’ major themes are learning to give quality customer service, using technological advancement with different self-services and technologies devices to satisfy customer needs.
Finally, In Conclusion, another theme is research conducted analyzing technological trust from the customer behavior about the services (Nordheim et al., 2019). Customers are concerned about being able to use effective services, service reputation, and technology credibility as important elements of customer interaction (Nordheim et al., 2019). In Conclusion, future research findings still include being aware of consumer readiness, smartphone technology, service integration, and technology innovation that will affect potential customers understanding of using customer interfaces. Another future research finding is businesses would want to use a combination that involves automated services with employee services for the customer (Singh et
al., 2021). The future research is customer technology interface will keep exploring creative concepts one voice strategy and customer involvement. Companies must take the necessary steps research and development steps to promote and develop their information technology systems to incorporate functional customer interface services.
Mishra, A., Shukla, A., Rana, N. P., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2021). From “touch” to a “multisensory” experience: The impact of technology interface and product type on consumer
responses. Psychology & Marketing, 38(3), 385-396. doi:10.1002/mar.21436
Nordheim, C. B., Følstad, A., & Bjørkli, C. A. (2019). An initial model of trust in chatbots for customer Service—Findings from a questionnaire study. U.K.] : Butterworth and Co. doi:10.1093/iwc/iwz022
Poncin, I., Garnier, M., Ben Mimoun, M. S., & Leclercq, T. (2017). Smart technologies and shopping experience: Are gamification interfaces effective? the case of the
smartstore. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 124, 320-331. doi:https://doi-
Shim, H., Sang-Lin, H., & Ha, J. (2021). The effects of consumer readiness on the adoption of self-service technology: Moderating effects of consumer traits and situational
factors. Sustainability, 13(1), 95. doi:
Singh, J., Nambisan, S., Bridge, R. G., & Brock, J. K. (2021). One-voice strategy for customer engagement. Journal of Service Research, 24(1), 42-65. doi:10.1177/1094670520910267

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