Posted: August 29th, 2022

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PART 1 :Think of a product. Describe the following aspects of the product. What are some raw materials?
What are some sub components?
Where is it manufactured or made? Discuss the packaging for the material and why you think it is packaged in that manner. Use the Internet as necessary. Provide links to any material you reference. ( PLEASE ANSWER QUESTION THOROUGHLY)
Diversity is key for organization’s looking to improve corporate culture for employees and managers as well. For organizations’s looking to increase employee morale, productivity, and retention, an effectivie way to address cross-cultural issues is by effectively using diversity training programs, in which a company puts time and money into new and up-to-date hiring and training programs for new employees. Another way, is for an employer to develop specific and realistic goals based upon cross-cultural issues, this can be by sending employees or upper management to other countries to experience another culture other than home country’s. This may be costly, but this can help the company in the long-run dealing with diverse groups internal or external to the company. Last but not least, it is important for companies to examine their employment practices to ensure that the company is not intentionally or unintentionally discriminating against anyone due to his/her religion or ethnicity. For example, some religions go to their religious temple on Saturday rather than Sunday, this can be an important point in why an employee does not want to be hired for this company or a reason why this employee may have a low morale around the organization.
In my time working for Under Armour, I noticed a few cross-cultural issues that raised concern amongst a specific group. Being one of few black employees that worked at the location I worked at, I noticed top management discriminating against several of their minority employees. By using certain language that made some feel uncomfortable, or even having certain sterotypes that they projected on others. After serveral employees begun to start complaining, the company started to examine certain actions that were taken place, and started to take action to rectify this problem. Once the problem was corrected, the organization took proactive steps in training their management and also their employees on cultural differences, sexual orientation differences, and racial differences that were not properly explained. I believe the company took the right action in addressing cross-cultural differences that once was a problem for the company.
Diversity in a business will help understand customers needs and help come up with ideas to fulfill those needs. In a workplace environment, diversity increases employee morale and the productivity of a business. To maintain personal and professional relationships it is important to understand the differences among cultures and how it can potentially affect communication between people of diverse cultures. The strategies for addressing cross-cultural diversity for an individual may include developing friendships with people from nationalities other than your own and making a point to learn from them about their customs, the way business is conducted, and the differences and similarities between their country and yours. For a company and organization a strategy could be examining employment practices to ensure that the company is not unintentionally discriminating against anyone due to his or her religion or ethnicity. A great example of a cross-cultural issue is the exclusion of unconscious bias training. For example, I worked at a company that lacked diversity in the intern cohort and amongst the full-time employees. The first couple days I attended orientation and towards the end I noticed that there was not an unconscious bias training. I believe it should have been included as it interfered with the interactions I had with my peers and caused me to be excluded from meetings about projects I was working on at the time. To prevent this companies should provide training for their employees and examine their employment practices so that employees are included.

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