Posted: August 30th, 2022

For the assignment, your source is The Bank Job season 2 epsidoe 2. You can sear

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For the assignment, your source is The Bank Job season 2 epsidoe 2. You can search up this video on google and it’s on PBS. Only use this source. Preparing for the assignment Watch the video carefully and take notes on the video. These are some questions to think about as you watch the video and take notes: What practices was Wells Fargo engaged in? Which practices seem ethical? Which ones seem unethical? Who benefited from these practices, and who was harmed by them? What laws did Wells Fargo violate? What relationship did Wells Fargo have with its customers? With its employees? Did its practices undermine these relationships? What role did upper management have in fueling these practices? Why was Wells Fargo’s code of ethics ineffective? The prompt for the assignment: Did Wells Fargo cross the line morally in its retail banking practices? If some of Wells Fargo’s actions were morally wrong, why were they wrong? Or did Wells Fargo ultimately do nothing morally wrong? Explain. To do this assignment, write an essay with the following 8 elements, the first 6 of which (introduction through conclusion) should be separate paragraphs and where you include appropriate transitions between paragraphs.
Introduction: Here explain briefly what you will do in the assignment. You may want to write this AFTER you have finished the rest of the assignment, so that you will know what to introduce. You can begin this section with: “In this section I will examine X (some aspect of Wells Fargo’s banking practices) and argue that Y….” Description of practices: In this section describe Wells Fargo’s banking practices that were the focus in the video. Be sure to describe the kinds of activities that were under scrutiny in the L.A. County lawsuit. Cause and effects: In this section, explain why these practices occurred. Also explain who benefited from and who was harmed by these practices. In this section don’t focus only on customers, but also consider effects on other relevant stakeholders. Ethical Evaluation: Take an ethical position. Which, if any, of Wells Fargo’s practices were ethically improper? Then, defend your position. Explain why these practices were wrong or, if they weren’t wrong, why they weren’t. Formalization: Put your argument into premise/conclusion form, listing the numbered premises of your argument first, followed by your conclusion. Conclusion: In one or two sentences, wrap up your answer. “In this essay I have discussed X, and shown that it is right/wrong, on the basis of Y….” WORKS CITED/REFERENCES: Include a works cited/references page at the end of your essay. This should include the film for this week and the text (if you use any ideas from the text in developing your analysis). It is not necessary to do any outside research, but if you do use other sources, these should be included as well in your works cited page. Please use the bibliographic style you are most comfortable with for your works cited/references page. INTERNAL CITATIONS: Please also include inline (i.e. internal) citations to our text and the film for this week: for the textbook for the film (Shaw, p. X), for the film (The Bank Job, minute: seconds). Also include inline citations for any other outside sources you use (though, again, it is not necessary to do outside research for this paper). If you quote from our text, please ALSO explain anything you have quoted in your own words. Also, as far as HOW MUCH to cite internally you don’t have to go overboard here. There is no need to cite in every sentence. A few citations to the main points will be sufficient. Rubric Length: Approximately 500-600 words. Points will be taken off for significantly longer/shorter assignments.
Introduction: 10% Description: 20% Here you will be graded for the accuracy of your description, and whether your description covers the main practices discussed in the video. Causes and Effects: 20%
Here be sure to describe BOTH causes and effects, and include a wide account of the effects, both on customers and other stakeholders. Ethical Evaluation: 20%
Here be sure to clearly take a position. And then also give your reasons for that position. It may help here to FOCUS on a particular practice. You don’t have to evaluate EVERYTHING that Wells Fargo was doing. Formalization: 20% See pp. 25 and 26, again, for examples of how to do this, though, note, your argument can have more than two premises.
Here you will be graded for clarity, and whether your premises do, together, imply your conclusion.
Your conclusion should be the position you have defended in the previous section. Conclusion – 5% Works Cited – 2.5% Internal Citations – 2.5%

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