Posted: August 31st, 2022

What Makes a Leader?” by Daniel Goldman

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This week, we grouped up on Zoom and discussed what it means to hold a college degree, how others view college graduates, and why it is the case that some jobs require employees to hold degrees – any degree, in fact!
For this assignment, I’m asking you to build on this week’s discussion: First (if you have not already done so) read the attached essay, “What Makes a Leader?” by Daniel Goldman, which describes emotional intelligence and unpacks its significance.
Then, in a word document (12 pt font, double spaced, approximately 2-2.5 pages) connect this week’s discussion to the concept of emotional intelligence outlined by Goleman. (This is an open-ended prompt!)
This is due Tuesday, August 30, before your class section meets.
Discussion is based on how we can relate what was in this article to our own lives. I relate it to my life because my family owns a business and we have to be leaders we relate to each section of the article because that’s what a leader must do.

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