Posted: August 31st, 2022

In the weeks and months before the Corona Virus pandemic lockdowns began, several Senators sold stocks worth millions of dollars shortly after a classified briefing on the Coronavirus.

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In the weeks and months before the Corona Virus pandemic
lockdowns began, several Senators sold stocks worth millions of
dollars shortly after a classified briefing on the Coronavirus.
Then, in mid-February, after the first confirmed coronavirus
cases in the US, they sold additional stocks which saved them
millions of dollars in losses when the stock market collapsed in
late March. Although they were privileged to the classified
briefing about the potential impact of the virus outbreak, the
general public was also able to draw their own opinions by
watching the international news about other countries impact
and responses to the virus.
Was the sale of their stocks a breach of trust from the briefing
they received by government officials?
Should a professional government office’s interpretation of
general public information considered insider knowledge?
If you had “preferred” knowledge that you were about to
possible lose millions of dollars, what action would you take?

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