Posted: September 1st, 2022

This exercise requires you to apply the concepts and methods learned so far in t

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This exercise requires you to apply the concepts and methods learned so far in the course. You are to write your responses in accordance with APA standards and cite a minimum of two (2) scholarly peer reviewed sources and research and locate one (1) scripture verse that you would apply to this situation.
Your paper submission should follow the below stated composition and formatting guidelines; and be composed unto a “Word Document.
Title page with your name, course, date, and an appropriate title.
Use double space, Ariel, and 12pt font.
Upon citing works, add a separate reference page at th ebottom of your paper. Must include biblical reference
Deliverables: A company is considering the relocation of its manufacturing plant and administrative offices from a small city in the Midwest to a similar-sized city in the South. Approximately 20 percent of the residents of the city are employed by the company, and many others are employed in businesses such as banks, personal services, restaurants, shopping centers, and supermarkets that would suffer a decline in business if the company decides to relocate. Does the company have a social responsibility to factor into its decision the impact that its move would have on the city? Explain your reasoning.

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