Posted: September 2nd, 2022

1) Take the MBTI — you can take a free knock-off version here (Links to an external site.))

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1) Take the MBTI — you can take a free knock-off version here (Links to an external site.))
2) Take the following free 5-factor personality self-assessment ( (Links to an external site.))
3) Take the EQ self-assessment (see attached file) EQ_SelfAssessment.pdf Download EQ_SelfAssessment.pdf
(Note: you do not need to share your results from any of the assessments, but you do have to share your reactions to the assessments)
4) Type your response to the following prompt: Think about the two personality tests you just took (the MBTI & the IPIP — not the EQ assessment which is not a personality test). Did you like one better than the other? Why? Did you think one was more accurate? Which one do you think is more useful in a work context? Why? If you were a hiring manager, would you use personality tests to select employees? Why or why not?
5) In the same document, type your response to the following prompt: What is your opinion of emotional intelligence? Do you think there is such a thing? Is it a useful individual difference variable to consider when making hiring decisions? If you were a hiring manager, would you use an EQ assessment to select employees? Why or why not?
6) Submit your response electronically (be prepared to discuss your responses in class)
7) After finishing, read for class (Links to an external site.)

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