Posted: September 2nd, 2022

There is no stated policy against hiring people with a physical disability, and several of the jobs would likely be able to be performed with accommodations. You are concerned that there may be a bias based on a concern that the applicants with disabilities may not be as productive as those without disabilities. What are the legal and ethical issues associated with such a staffing philosophy?

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You have been the director of human resources at a midsized manufacturing firm for about six months. The hiring process consists of HR advertising, screening applicants for qualifications, and recommending the top ten to the department. The department heads review the top ten and bring in the top three applicants for an interview. Since joining the company, you have reviewed the hiring statistics and found that in no case was an applicant with a physical disability considered in the final interview step of the hiring process even though the HR screening has found more than a few to be qualified.
There is no stated policy against hiring people with a physical disability, and several of the jobs would likely be able to be performed with accommodations. You are concerned that there may be a bias based on a concern that the applicants with disabilities may not be as productive as those without disabilities.
What are the legal and ethical issues associated with such a staffing philosophy?
What do you recommend as a course of action?
Research the questions using academic resourcse and other sources.
Be sure to go beyond the materials to identify at least 2 other resources to incorporate into your paper.
In your paper, address the following:
Present your analysis of the issue. Support the analysis with references to at least three sources other than the textbook. Cite your sources.
State your reaction to the question.
Present your action plan for how you would address the question.

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