Posted: September 4th, 2022

Ethics, Oxy, and Purdue Pharma:

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Ethics, Oxy, and Purdue Pharma:
This discussion will direct you first to watch two videos. The second video is long, but interesting. After watching the videos, answer the discussion questions. You will then review your classmates answers and make meaningful comments on their responses. You may agree and (respectfully) disagree, but always try to center your comments on ethics, business, and law. After you have completed this discussion, you should have an understanding of how the decisions we make about ethics can have significant impact on business and on society. You should understand how your “ethics” and reputation can affect your business.
Read Chapter three of the book you have been provided for this class. Pay particular attention to the last two sections of this chapter.
Watch the video “What is Ethics? What is Business Ethics?” and “OxyContin – Time Bomb.” Both are linked in the materials below.
Research the following ethical frameworks for ethical decision making: “Duty-based ethics,” “Outcome-based ethics,” “Moral minimum,” or “Triple bottom line.”
Discussion Questions
Evaluate Purdue Pharma’s decision making as portrayed in the “Time Bomb” video. Research and employ the ethical frameworks and decision model at the end of Chapter 3 of the book for this course to answer the following questions:
_Who do we hold responsible for the drug crisis that started with Oxy? Can you think of other individuals, companies, or industries that have been significantly impacted by (un)ethical decision making? What’s a “pharma bro anyway”? Did you ideas of responsibility change after reading considering this material?
_Reflecting on the major ethical perspectives in Chapter 3 of the book, write a future “policy” for yourself as to how you will make ethical business decisions. (For example, my own “policy” has long centered on the golden rule. That is, make decisions that impact others with the same care you would want others to use if their decision were to impact you.) What would your personal policy look like?
_ Employ Josephson’s Core Values Model, and the decision process, to evaluate Purdue’s behavior as it relates to Oxy. What did you find? Is having a process helpful?

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