Posted: September 5th, 2022

How might IBM develop a portfolio of relationship strategies to meet the needs of such diverse customer groups?

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Directions –
Answer the question and write one-page answer the following question: 2 academic journals using APA citations (cite and have reference page) Goes in Turnitin – Do not Plagiarize How might IBM develop a portfolio of relationship strategies to meet the needs of such diverse customer groups? Case IBM Challenge: How to Serve a Diverse Mix of Demanding Customers
IBM’s offerings cover a wide spectrum of the technology industry, including hardware, software, and services. T
he company faces a different set of rivals in each sector but maintains a leadership position in most areas through a combination of investments in R&D, worldwide distribution, and a respected brand.Footnote
IBM serves a diverse set of customers in the business market and devotes special attention to the Global 1000—the 1000 largest enterprises in the world. Across these organizations, however, different perspectives and approaches are used in making information technology (IT) purchases. This diversity across customer groups presents a host of challenges for IBM.
Customer Group A demands a wide variety of IT products, routine maintenance support, and customized services. These customers value the relationship with IBM and are willing to pay a premium for product and service quality. Customer Group B wants high-quality IT products (for example, storage systems and servers), but, most of all, these customers want a rock-bottom price and choose suppliers on that basis. Customer Group C demands both quality products and extensive service support but wants all of this for a “rock-bottom” price. These customers will freely switch from one supplier to the next. As competition intensifies for IBM and others in the IT sector, more customers are moving into this group each month.

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