Posted: September 5th, 2022

what would you have said your strengths were? Did these align with the results o

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what would you have said your strengths were? Did these align with the results of your assessment? Do you agree with the results? If not, what do you think should be different? How have your seen your strengths play out in the past? How about the future – what type of company, job, location, etc. would match up well with your strengths? Do you think your top strengths are the same for you both personally and professionally?
Do not just answer all of these questions like you’re filling out a survey – it should all weave together into a well-written reflection. The questions above can serve as a guide, but feel free to incorporate other topics that you feel are important to you and relevant to the prompt!
Two things should be accomplished in your journal: reflection and insight. We should be able to tell that you truly took some time to think about this topic, and we should learn more about you from reading it. Your grade will depend mostly on your ability to respond to the prompt with quality content; however, conventions of writing (e.g. spelling, punctuation, grammar) will also be factored in.
Answers should be 2+ pages in length, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, with 1-inch margins.

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