Posted: September 7th, 2022

Objectives The purpose of this assignment is for you to: Find examples of creati

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The purpose of this assignment is for you to:
Find examples of creativity and creative problem-solving in areas of interest to you.
Evaluate your understanding of creativity through these examples.
Due Date
Sections IA & LA – Sunday, September 5, 2022, 11:59 PM
Sections BA & IB – Monday, Sep 5, 2022, 11:59 PM
Review the rubric, so you know how you’ll be assessed.
Find three examples of creativity and creative problem-solving in an area of interest to you. You may choose to research all three areas or find three examples from one area
A problem relating to personal growth or development.
A problem relating to a hobby or passion.
A problem relating to your college experience or profession.
How are you seeing evidence of both creativity and creative problem-solving in these areas? Where are you seeing opportunities for even more innovation?
Reflect on your understanding of creativity and creative problem-solving through this research.
What to Submit
Your presentation must be compelling and memorable. The format/approach you take to submit your work is completely up to you (and taking a creative chance is a factor we assess on our rubric), but your work must contain the following elements:
The three examples from your research.
The examples of creativity and creative problem solving you found.
Potential innovation in these areas.
Your reflection on creativity and creative problem-solving.
Submission Guidelines
Submit all of your work through Canvas only
When dealing with large file sizes, make sure you leave extra time to upload by the due date/time.
HI, for this assginemt, I already finished the ppt, can you make a speaker notes for three examples and one

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