Posted: September 8th, 2022

Assume you are working for a company that sells music online. The marketing depa

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Assume you are working for a company that sells music online. The marketing department would like to send e-mails to customers who have purchased music from the Web site. These e-mails would use information about the genres of music customers have purchased in the past and would offer those discounts on new releases in those genres. Discuss your thoughts/feelings about marketing managers using an opt-in statement for permission to send such emails that would appear when customers make their first purchase. Should all businesses/organizations have the opt-in statement? Or should they only have an opt-out statement in which you are automatically enrolled unless you accept/check the out-out statement?
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Post 1: Online business sites often rely on some form of email marketing strategy to generate revenue in the form of transactions. Opt in email marketing systems require customers to consent to receiving emails from the particular company before marketing emails are sent. Opt out systems on the other hand begin to send marketing emails to customers’ email addresses after its known and the customer must opt out if they no longer wish to receive the correspondence. There are a few legal particulars for email marketing, everything must be truthful, subject must outline what the email is about, add disclosure and an opt out method to name a few particulars. Failure for companies to hit these hurtles can cost companies several thousand dollars per email. For an online music provider, I believe that an opt in system has a better chance of yielding more additional transactions over time. If the customer has to initiate the communication, it is highly likely that the customer will read the correspondence and be receptive to the marketing associated with it. Conversely opt out systems can frustrate customers as they didn’t directly ask for the correspondence and now they have to try to unsubscribe. Some times these unsubscribe methods take multiple attempts or days before its shut off an the frustration with the brand only grows. For the online music vendor an indication of the deals and types of promotions will go a long way to attracting individuals to opt in. For instance, successful tactics come from businesses who promise a discount on the first transaction for entering an email and correspondence. This starts the digital relationship up with the customer on a positive note that can continue well into the future. For a music provider the continued relationship is very important over time as large single transactions are highly unlikely. Revenue over time is the customer strategy that’s exactly what the opt in tactic must support. Johnson, J. (n.d.). Opt-in email marketing explained. Business News Daily. Retrieved August 24, 2022, from
Post 2: Opt-in are forms of consent that web users use to acknowledge their desire to receive information usually in the form emails. This is not only a form of good business manners it has been made lawful. With online scamming becoming prevalent in online crime, the CAN-SPAM ACT of 2003 was inacted (What is an opt-in form?, n.d.). In short, opt-in statements are being used to protect consumers from unsolicited emails that may be fraudulent. Marketing managers should use opt-in statements to advertise to consumers. In doing this, one can begin to accurately gauge the demand for the products being sold. Willingly opting in to receiving information from a business says that the consumer is interested in your goods. The next step is getting them to become active buyers. With the influx of spam emails flooding our mailboxes, businesses should consider the impact of not using opt-in statements. There are probably many legitimate emails that get directed to the infamous spam box because users did not solicit the advertising. Opting out is another form of users choosing whether or not to receive emails from businesses. While being lawful, one may see this as being somewhat deceitful. Opting out usually binvolves a check box of some sort. If the checkbox is left checked the users is automatically enrolled in the business email services. Consumers can often overlook these checkboxes because they may be positioned in a way that is very discrete. The act of opting in not only protects consumers it also protects businesses. This a record of consent that could be used to validate users in the future if legal problems arise. This is all a part of doing business in this digital age. Consumers and businesses are demanding protection and accountability. The opt-in and opt-out statements are just one of the aspects of good book keeping.
What is an opt-in form? (n.d.),

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