Posted: September 8th, 2022

The final paper is about Thunderbolt, which is a company based in Nashville and is expanding operations to the UK, Londo specifically. I have attached an outline of the thesis and business proposal with a structure on the specific areas that need to be covered

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The final paper is about Thunderbolt, which is a company based in Nashville and is expanding operations to the UK, Londo specifically. I have attached an outline of the thesis and business proposal with a structure on the specific areas that need to be covered. Additional details are below. By creating an international business, you will utilize your subject knowledge and expertise in discovering and overcoming the challenges of expanding a business to a new host country. In this paper, you will create an international business or international venture outside of the U.S. (e.g., export/import, franchising, manufacturing, joint venture, etc.) Define the name (Thunderbolt Records)
Nature of the business (Record label) Brief background of the company and industry. State the specific target market for the venture.
Create a strategic plan that includes the following (in any order you decide): An analysis of the competitive advantage of your venture (Why will it be successful?). A PESTLE analysis, or a similar business analysis process, of the host country. A 6- to the 12-month timeline of your venture’s expansion. A list of SMART goals. A summary of startup human resources and marketing concepts. A SWOT analysis of the venture that evaluates at least four challenges and advantages and/or opportunities and threats (e.g., cross-cultural, foreign currency, legal, etc.). Suggest recommendations to overcome the challenges and threats from the SWOT you conducted. The Final Paper: Strategic Plan
Must be 2,000 to 2,500 words in length and formatted according to APA Style Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper. Must use at least five scholarly and recent sources in addition to the course text. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must have minimal direct quotes (no more than 10% of the paper).
Must not be a narrative (no first person or storytelling).

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