Posted: September 9th, 2022

Identify the basic problems in the consultant-client relationship.

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Identify the basic problems in the consultant-client relationship.
Instructions for this Assignment
OD Consultant and Client are two important parties in the entire OD process. This assignment allows the student to know what a consultant and a client is and what problems could arise in their relationships and how they can be reduced. This assignment fulfills the course objectives of teaching students how to appraise different aspects of OD and the learning objectives of being able to understand and critique different aspects of OD.
Submission Format
Write two consisting of three paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Define OD Consultant and OD Client.
Paragraph 2: Identify 4-5 problems in the consultant-client relationship. Write 2-3 lines on each problem.
Paragraph 3: How can OD consultant-client relationships be improved to minimize problems in practical reality.
12 pt Times New Roman Font
1″ margins
Sources should be accurately cited in APA.
Include a covering page with the title of the assignment, name of the student, course name and section.

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