Posted: September 9th, 2022

Consider the following statement: If we hope to be successful as ‘Christian leaders to change the World,’ it is imperative that we understand ideas, visions, skills, and practices through a common language. Leadership theory provides a way for people to unite around a set of principles to increase the probability of successful outcomes.

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Consider the following statement: If we hope to be successful as ‘Christian leaders to change the World,’ it is imperative that we understand ideas, visions, skills, and practices through a common language. Leadership theory provides a way for people to unite around a set of principles to increase the probability of successful outcomes. If the common language surrounding a particular theory or set of leadership principles is unclear, leaders are unable to successfully lead and followers often are unwilling or unable to be led.’
Advocate for the position that communication is a foundational skill, if not the most important, for the astute Christian leader. Why does communication, as a leadership practice, rank high in the list of outstanding leadership skills? Be sure to support your position with scholarly research.

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