Posted: September 12th, 2022

What are the key (list no more than 5-8) arguments or facts that the author uses to support the thesis?

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Please complete a reading note for the article
Instructions for Reading Notes
Reading notes are a structured way of summarizing and interacting with a reading. A reading note should be structured as follows:
The thesis of the reading. The thesis statement should be no more than two sentences summarizing the central thesis of the reading – i.e., what central idea or action is the author trying to ‘sell’ you on? Take some time to formulate the thesis to make sure you have captured the thesis precisely – details matter!
Supporting arguments / facts. What are the key (list no more than 5-8) arguments or facts that the author uses to support the thesis? Most of the time these arguments or facts will be explicitly stated within the article. To determine whether or not an argument or fact within an article is a key support of the thesis you might ask yourself whether or not the thesis would stand without
Philosophical assumptions. What basic philosophical assumptions lie within or behind the article? Does the author require a reader to assent to a basic proposition about God, human beings, society, economics, the goal of business, the world etc.? These assumptions may not always be explicit in a reading but are often central to the decision of whether or not the thesis is ‘convincing’.
Implications according to the author. What does the author believe the key implications are arising from the thesis? That is, what does the author suggest we do with the thesis if we accept it?
Personal reactions, questions & comments on the reading. What is your reaction to the above? Do you accept the thesis, the arguments or the philosophical assumptions? What questions arise from this reading? You can also comment on particular points (not always central to the argument) which you have taken note of in the reading.
For best results (points!) make sure the reading notes are concise (Sections 1-4 should generally be no more than a page in total) and that they retain the structure listed above. It would be prudent to include the headings and sectioning listed above.

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