Posted: September 12th, 2022

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‘Stella Liebeck of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was in the passenger seat of her grandson’s car
burned by McDonalds’ coffee in February 1992. Liebeck, 79 at the time, ordered coffee that
cup at the drive-through window of a local McDonalds. After receiving the order, the grand
and stopped momentarily so that Liebeck could add cream and sugar to her coffee. (Critics
pounced on this case, often charge that Liebeck was driving the car or that the vehicle was
the coffee; neither is true.) Liebeck placed the cup between her knees and attempted to rem
the cup. As she removed the lid, the entire contents of the cup spilled into her lap. Stella Lie
coffee being too hot.
Assignment Instructions
Discuss whether Ms. Liebeck has a negligence or strict liability claim against McDonalds. Plea
analyze both torts in your answer.
• The length of your response is conditional on the question. Answer fully, but concisely
• Your submissions should be submitted via the assignment dropbox in .doc or .dox fori
double spacing.
• Late submissions will not be accepted. For this course, unless otherwise noted by the
late will be permitted onlv under aualifvine circumstances and anlvweith

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