Posted: September 12th, 2022

Views themselves, although it is also okay to do so.

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In this module, we considered the process of political socialization – the way in which we develop our
knowledge of and attitudes, values, and beliefs about politics and government based on our experiences.
Reflect upon your own experiences and write a brief summary and explanation of why you think what you
think and how you know what you know. Please note: It is not necessary to reveal your personal political
views themselves, although it is also okay to do so. The focus can be on why and how you have the values
you have and think what you think rather than what your values are and what you think.
What to Do:
Reflect, on your own experiences, then write. For EACH of the following, write your responses in complete
and grammatically correct sentences as indicated.
1. Think about your own upbringing, education, and the social groups to which you belong. How do you
think these have influenced your political perspective? [2-3 sentences]
2. Think about the current political environment and your experiences with government. What significant
events or circumstances have influenced (or are currently influencing) your view of government? [2-3
3. Connect your background and experiences to the information presented in this module. How do your
responses reflect the information presented in this module about the process of political socialization
and the formation of public opinion? [3-5 sentences]

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