Posted: September 13th, 2022

Is it their product/service that makes them unique?

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Social Media Marketing Plan
“Business Introduction”
You may need to ask me Questions about my business to answer some of the Questions, may not be included in the file that I attached. The file that I attached should cover a lot of what is needed. You need to come up with the mission statement.
In the assignment please add things that need to be added to complete this assignment. I have just given you a basic rundown of what we are currently doing. This is the MOST IMPORTANT part you will need to WATCH to complete this Business Introduction!!!
LINK FOR VIDEO: file:///Users/danielchute/Desktop/BUSN106%20HW%231.html
Is a VIDEO that you “MUST WATCH” this video breaksdown what is need for this assignment…. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, you absolutely CAN NOT skip watching this SHORT VIDEO!
ATTACHED IN A FILE: A run down of my Own Business that I will be focusing on creating a Social Media Marketing Plan for this semester. Assignment
What does the company do? Where are they located? How long have they been in business? What has been their success to date? What have they done for marketing up until this point? Are they currently on and/or active on social media? Are they actively marketing? Who are the owners and/or key players? Who will be involved with the social media strategy and implementation? Include any information needed to give a good overview of the business, its product or service, and its current marketing strategies. How are they unique? What do they offer that sets them apart from their competitors? Is it their product/service that makes them unique? Is it their customer service? Be specific. What is their mission? What is their long-term vision? You can often find this on their website or ask the owner. The mission is who they are, vision is where they are going. What are their current goals? How do they earn revenue? Business to the consumer? Business to business? Products? Services? Revenue share? Be specific. Where are their sales currently coming from? If you don’t know, this is a good thing to ask the owner or marketing person. Also, include their approximate annual revenue if you have access to that information. Who is their target market? Or in other words who is their ideal client? Include demographics: age, income level, education, relationship status, location, etc… as well as psychographics: personality, interests, beliefs, etc… Include their website, address, social media pages, and any other links to current marketing initiatives.

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