Posted: September 16th, 2022

*what can be improved which other competitors don’t have*.

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Must be based on research. *How can Comcast introduce X-Class Tv’s into more homes then it has now?* Focus of the entire PowerPoint.
*what can be improved which other competitors don’t have*. Importantly each slide must have Header and meaning full sub header.
Begin with a Hypothesis. 1. What is the vision you are looking to sell? 2. What is your perspective on the X-Class Tv’s. 3. What is your framework on assessing opportunities? No advertisements at all to promote.
4. How would we understand what customers use/need? 5. How can we grow market shares of the x-class tvs.
6. Why would they purchase the TV and not other brands. 7. Why wouldn’t they purchase and what can we do in future to improve that.
8. Timeline/the approach 9. How can you implement this for Comcast.
10. Programs/software you would use. Please use images/data and minimize using too many words. Detail oriented eye grabbing information only.

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