Posted: September 19th, 2022

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RL Wolfe:
Implementing Self-Directed Teams case study
The cases you read do not have hidden truths or correct answers. Thus, discussions about them in class
should be opportunities to use your experience, your academic knowledge (from that class and/or previous
classes) and your intuition/creativity to generate new knowledge. In this way your collaboration in the case
discussion will be evaluated not solely on how often you speak (frequency), but also on the substance of your
contributions (both evidence of preparation and originality).
While this will seem subjective, we hope the following rubric will help suggest ways your facilitator will be
assessing your in class participation. It cannot be emphasized enough that strong participation in a case
discussion is always moving beyond the facts of the specific case and that frequency – while necessary to
collaborate- only a fraction of the best participation.
For both written and discussion based case studies, effective preparation remains the key to strong analysis.
With cases, you should find that you spend more time reflecting on a case than actually reading it (Ellet,
The following questions can be used to break down a case and to organize your thinking.
1. Define the problem (what do you see as the main issue? As secondary or tangential issues?)
2. What outside concepts can be applied? (think about theories from the text in that or previous
3. List any relevant qualitative data (what evidence based on quality/character of something)
4. List any relevant quantitative data (what evidence based on amount/number of something)
5. Results of your analysis (what evidence supports your interpretation of the case)
6. Recommendations (based on your analysis what recommendation(s) would you make)
7. Action plan (based on the recommendations, what action plan could you recommend. Think about
offering short, medium and long term steps)

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