Posted: September 20th, 2022

In the introduction of the literature review, state and explain the topic, challenge, or problem the article addresses.

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Objective: Examine the function and value of the literature review in research related to public health policy, epidemiological research, or healthcare administration.
This week, you will complete a literature review. Choose any topic, challenge, or problem within the field of public health policy, epidemiological research, or healthcare administration. Using the WCU Library or Google Scholar, find a relevant peer-reviewed journal that has been published in the past five years. Choose an article from these topics: health disparities, access to health care, social determinants of health, healthcare process improvement, or treatment of disease.
Address the following in a review of the article:
In the introduction of the literature review, state and explain the topic, challenge, or problem the article addresses.
In the body of the literature review, answer the following questions:
What is the current thinking on the topic based on this literature?
Summarize the knowledge on the topic provided by this research.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study presented in the article?
What type of study was conducted?
Is it valid? How reliable is it? Explain.
Based on your literature review, what are some potential future studies that could add to the current research?
Write a one- to two-page review of the article. Include a title page and a reference list.
Remember to always cite your sources using APA Style. You must cite and reference your article. You must submit the article along with your literature review. Do not provide a link to the article; upload a copy with your paper.

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