Posted: September 24th, 2022
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Unit 4: Quantitative Methods [Attachment]
Institute of Education Sciences (2017, April 19). Reliability and validity. [Video]. YouTube.
Marketing research and analysis (2017, August 12). Lecture 19- hypothesis testing: T-Test, Z-Test. [Video]. YouTube. Office Pros. (2018, June 18). How to calculate a correlation between multiple variables. [Video]. YouTube. One Minute Economics. (2018, November 29). Percentiles (centiles, percentile rank), deciles and quartiles defined & explained in one minute. [Video]. YouTube.
One Minute Economics. (2017, May 2). The mean (aka average) and the median defined, calculated/explained and compared in one minute. [Video]. YouTube.
One Minute Economics. (2017, July 21). The standard deviation (and variance) explained in one minute: From concept to definition & formulas. [Video]. YouTube. One Minute Economics. (2018, February 13). Statistical significance, the null hypothesis and p-values defined & explained in one minute. [Video]. YouTube. One Minute Economics. (2017, October 29). The weighted average (AKA weighted arithmetic mean) in one minute: Definition + explanation. [Video]. YouTube. One Minute Economics. (2019, February 24). Understanding the mode and range in one minute: Definition, explanation and examples. [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from Scribbr. (2021, April 16). Research design: Choosing a type of research design | Scribbr. [Video]. YouTube. For the DISCUSSION POST:
Come up with an example of a hypothesized correlation between the quantity of a product consumed and a specific background variable of consumers. Clarify the operational definition of each variable. Would the correlation be positive or negative? Do you think that this correlation would be strong or weak? ***Note: Be sure to use in-text citation and provide references for your sources, including textbooks.
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