Posted: June 24th, 2022

A biobank is defined as a place that stores biological specimens with their associated clinical and research data. It is the nexus at which researchers obtain human biological material for the purpose of conducting research to identify underlying pathogenesis of various diseases.

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A biobank is defined as a place that stores biological specimens with their associated clinical and research data. It is the nexus at which researchers obtain human biological material for the purpose of conducting research to identify underlying pathogenesis of various diseases. Currently, one of the biggest threats to the operation of any biobank is the unpredictable nature of equipment failure despite preventative maintenance efforts; particularly, the ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezers that store biological samples.
All equipment in a biorepository, in particular the ULTs, must be operational 24/7. Any failure could result in disastrous consequences beginning with loss of valuable specimens to the loss of discovering new potential medical treatments. To that end, almost all biobanks, whether in the private, governmental or public sectors, have developed emergency procedures that address equipment failure to allow the transfer of samples from a failed unit to another functional unit. This process is referred to as on-call, stand-by, or night call emergency procedure. The individuals on-call respond to phone calls made by a monitoring system outside normal work hours (evenings and weekends); This schedule means that the individual on-call would have to abandon whatever activity they are doing (including sleep) and come back to work during these periods to address the issue.
The focus of this literature review will be to research available information on the impact of being on call on professionals in the biobanking industry; particularly, the impact on their physical and psychological health and social relationships; as well as the impact on employees work performance.
The objective of this writing is to research the following: To understand and capture the breadth and depth of information available that is specific to biobanking professionals and other industries (e.g., hospital staff, organ recovery technicians, train engineers, maritime workers, etc.) that employ the on-call process. Identify additional industries that employ on-call process that those listed above
To identify specific negative impacts on individuals physical (sleep deprivation, weight gain, digestive complications, etc.), psychological (stress, depression, anxiety, etc.) and social (family, friends, society) health To identify any additional negative impact brought about by the on-call process other than the three identified.
To understand and summarize different on-call processes and how they are implemented
To identify potential factors that lead to the negative impact of being on-call
To understand the context under which the on-call process is rolled out (e.g., immediate and catastrophic results vs long term impact if emergency is not addressed) To understand the impact of on -call duty on employee’s job performance and business operation
To understand what mitigation strategies companies have employed to alleviate on-call negative impact
To understand the limitations presented by available literature and identify gaps for potential research.
Compare and contrast among identified industries (including biobanking) the various findings captured from this literature review
It is important that all topics listed above to be discussed and addressed in detail because this writing will be the basis for my own dissertation work. Furthermore, the outline of the paper needs to be clear and flows logically with smooth transition and use of titles from one topic to the next. Utilization of tables to summarize available literature by topic and/or publication year are welcomed. Full sentences with correct grammatical structure that are free of spelling errors need to be employed throughout the composition. Full inline citation with page number need to be included after relevant stated facts.
22 articles have already been reviewed regarding this topic (listed below). For this writing, 50 additional scholarly articles (not web articles) need to be identified and included within the review for a total of 72 articles. List of keywords used to retrieve additional articles is a must.
12 pages (excluding cover and references), single space, 12 font type to be used
CBS News. (2012). Freezer malfunction thaws 150 brains at Harvard research hospital.
Chambers, R., & Belcher, J. (1994). Predicting mental health problems in general practitioners. Occupational Medicine, 44, 212-216.
Chambers, R., & Campbell, I. (1996). Anxiety and depression in general practitioners: associations with type of practice, fund-holding, gender and other personal characteristics. Family Practice, I(3), 170-173.
Chambers, R., & Campbell, I. (1996). Gender differences in general practitioners at work. Br J Gen Pract, 46, 291-293.
Cooper, C. L., Rout, U., & Faragher, B. (1989). Mental health, job satisfaction, and job stress among general practitioners. BMJ, 298, 366-370.
Gross, E. (1997). Gender differences in physician stress: why the discrepant findings? Women Health, 26, 1-14.
Harrington, J. (2000). Health Effects of Shift Work and Extended hours of Work. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 58, 68-72.
Hewitt, R. (2019). 10 Biosample Supply Problems Affecting Industry Research and Tomorrow’s Patients. LinkedIn.
Im, K., Gui, D., & Yong, W. H. (2020). An Introduction to hardware, software, and other information technology needs of biomedical biobanks (Vol. 1897). Methods Molecular Biology. 9/12/2021
Imbernon, E., Warret, G., Roitg, C., Chastang, J., & Goldberg, M. (1993). Effects of Health and Social Well-being of On-call Shifts. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 35, 1131-1137.
Marcus, C. L., & Loughlin, G. M. (1996). Effect of sleep deprivation on driving safety in house staff. Sleep, I(9), 763-766.
Maschke, K. (2008). Biobanks: DNA and Research. (Vol. pp. 11-14). The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book.
Nicol, A. M., & Botterill, J. S. (2004, 12 8). Environ Health. On-call work and health: a review, 3(3), 1-7.
NUAIRE. (2019). Proper Use and Preventative Maintenance. NUAIRE.COM.
Oginska, H., Pokorski, J., & Oginski, A. (1993). Gender, ageing, and shift work intolerance. Ergonomics, 36, 161-168.
Pilcher, J. J., & Coplen, M. K. (2000). Work/rest cycles in railroad operations: effects of shorter than 24-h shift work schedules and on-call schedules on sleep. Ergonomics, 43, 573-588.
Reid, N., & Moss, P. J. (1999). The impact of the New Deal: Doctors’ stress levels and their views. Stress Medicine, I(5), 9-15.
Smithers, F. (1995). The pattern and effect of on-call work in transplant coordinators in the United Kingdom. Int J Nurs Stud, 32(5), 469-483.
Sutherland, V. J., Cooper, C. L., Rout, U., & Sutherland, V. P. (2000). GP job satisfaction in 1990 and 1998: lessons for the future? Family Practice, I(7), 364-371.
Torsvall, L., & Akerstedt, T. (1988). Disturbed sleep while being on-call: an EEG study of Ships’ engineers. Sleep, 11, 35-38.
Torsvall, L., Castenfors, K., Akerstedt, T., & Froberg, J. (1987). Sleep at Sea. Ergonomics, 30, 1335-1340.
Walters, V., Lenton, R., French, S., Eyles, J., Mayr, J., & Newbold, B. (1996). Paid work, unpaid work and social support: a study of the health of male and female nurses. Social Science Medicine, 43, 627-636.

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