Posted: October 3rd, 2022

A negative letter is a routine document created to share disappointing news.

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What is it: A negative letter is a routine document created to share disappointing news.
Purpose: The purpose of the negative letter is to inform the reader of bad news. You also need the reader to read, understand, and accept the news. The final goal is to maintain as much goodwill as possible.
Goals: You also have secondary goals:
• To build a good image of the writer (you) in the mind of the reader.
• To build a good image of your organization despite the bad news.
• To reduce or eliminate future correspondence on the same subject so the message doesn’t create more work for you as a writer.
Assignment Instructions
Tasks: Your negative letter should address the following scenario/prompt
• Your reader needs to know they have been taken seriously, that your decision is fair and reasonable, and that if they were in your shoes that they would make the same decision.
• Prompt: You will respond, as an official from the organization/company/location from whom you experienced negative service, to your own complaint. You will draft and sign the negative business letter as the individual noted from your own research.
Format: Business letters must be formatted in a specific manner.
Remember: Think about the image and brand for your company. It might be worth reading through other documents from the company or their social media feeds to get an idea of the language and tone used. For example, Wendy’s has a very sarcastic tone on Twitter (and it is well documented), and while you need to be professional in your letter, it would make sense that your tone would change based on the company brand. Word choice and style are part of creating the personality of your company and building the characterization of your company as positive in the minds of potential customers or neighbors.

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