Posted: September 2nd, 2022

access this book: How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci (2004). Michael Gelb ( ISBN-10 :

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*Create Mind Map and 300 word discussion post*
*Must be able to access this book: How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci (2004). Michael Gelb ( ISBN-10 :
0440508274/ ISBN-13 : 978-0440508274.
By now, you should have read the posted and assigned two chapters. For this discussion activity, I want you to respond to the following question in the Discussion area in this learning module.
This is your discussion prompt/question:
As we think about Arte/Scienze and connections. Let’s explore how whole brain of a thinker you or are you more right or left brain from the experiment called Mind Mapping starting on page 174 (Gelb, 2004). The readings are posted.
First take the questionnaire on page 175. Next read the rules of mind mapping on page 176-177. Each student will make their own mind map and upload as an attachment in the discussion. Let’s focus the Mind Map for this exercise on completing your degree. You can focus on what it took to get here, if a gap, what brought you back. Where you are in your degree process and what you hope to do after. The Mind Map should not be focused on personal issues, your professional job or hobbies. You might incorporate some of these attributes in the map but they should not be the sole focus.
Follow the instructions on page 179-183. However, I do not want you to imagine it is the Renaissance as it starts on page 180. I want the mind map to reflect on curiosity from last week and creativity. Think about the taken that you shared and how you might incorporate this when things are less than clear (Sfumato).
Please read through the Mind Mapping creativity starting on 178 to 188. Make sure to read the rules on 178.
The rules should help you explain your map in the narrative in the discussion comment box.
In the discussion box, please explain in writing your mind map. Tell us why you chose what you chose to share about the type of thinker you are.
You do not need to post the checklist but you need to take it to help you get started on the mind map.
Finally, explain the connections that you see incorporating the Gelb (2004) materials from Connessione.
Finally, what have you learned?
You can hand draw or use computer generated lines in Word. I say to use Word not publisher or other programs because sometimes there are problems with opening them. I would suggest that you PDF the document before you upload. If you import images please shrink them in size. DO NOT UPLOAD A PHOTO. Students incorporate the course materials and cite to them in the main and peer posts.

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