Posted: April 30th, 2022

Acme Aviation Safety Consulting Service.

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You are the owner of Acme Aviation Safety Consulting Service. You are offering free consultations to companies and individuals concerning the dynamics of aviation safety management. Your job is to respond to emails and answer any questions about safety management and SMS either as a written, audio, or video reply.
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To: Acme Aviation Safety Consulting Services.
From: C. Lindbergh
Good evening,
My name is Charles and I’m the CEO of the Spirit of Saint Louis Air Taxi service here at Lambert Field.
We have been in business since 1927 and pride ourselves on being a progressive business.
Can you identify and explain some of the program elements and considerations for a safety program that we need to consider?
Also, expand on this basic concept of risk management.
Speaking from experience, I can say that all aviation has risks.
What’s new in risk management and this buy-in concept?
Thank you for your time.
– Charles
Also in your reply to Charles, prepare a justifiable statement explaining the need for a safety program. Your response should be professional, succinct, objective, and in terms (economics) that a CEO and CFO will understand.

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