Posted: November 4th, 2022

After posting your paper, you must also respond to four other posted papers, offering your own insights and informed opinion (perhaps integrating course material).

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Overview: Students will be expected to identify advertising campaigns occurring in the “real world.” These can be local organizations and businesses attempting to promote their brand, product, or service to the community or large scale promotional campaigns for national/international audiences. These short papers (2-3 pages, double-spaced, normal font, 750-800 words) will include a brief summary of the campaign, links to concepts discussed in the class, and an informed evaluation of the campaign’s quality. STUDENTS WILL POST THESE PAPERS INTO THIS ONLINE DISCUSSION FORUM. STUDENTS MUST ALSO RESPOND TO AT LEAST FOUR OTHER STUDENT’S PAPERS (offering meaningful insight, not just “thatz kewl!”).
Structure: Try to select a something that a company or organization is doing for ADVERTISING (i.e. communication to promote a product or service; it should be their messaging to make people like or care about the product/service; NOT a “we’re having a 50% off sale” type messaging). After figuring out what company’s promotional messaging you want to write about, you will probably want to research it a little (by looking at the organization’s website, etc.). You should summarize this information and explain the advertising campaign in about one page (double spaced, normal font). Next, try to link it with some concepts we have looked at in class. You should explain and underline the specific course concepts you see in the campaign/project/event. For example, if you looked at an advertising campaign that regularly showed cool, young people driving a certain car brand, you could note advertising persuades as this is a clear attempt to persuade audiences that interesting, youthful people prefer this brand (note how this was underlined). Again, this will probably take about a page and should include a variety of course concepts we’ve explored. YOU MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST FIVE COURSE CONCEPTS AND THEY MUST BE UNDERLINED. Finally, you should complete the paper by evaluating the advertising campaign you’re looking at. This should be opinion based, but it should also indicate that you have been reflecting on course concepts (i.e. more than “this suck b/c it’s ugly” or “this rulz bc it has hot ppl n it”). 2-3 pages total. Be prepared to discuss them in class.
After finishing the paper and saving it, you will then need to CUT and PASTE the full paper as a response in the discussion forum below. After posting your paper, you must also respond to FOUR other posted papers, offering your own insights and informed opinion (perhaps integrating course material). FIVE total posts (the initial posting of your paper AND four responses to someone other papers) are expected.
Sample Outline: This is a sample outline for what your paper might look like. PLEASE USE THE HEADINGS BELOW TO KEEP YOUR PAPER CLEAR AND ORGANIZED.
1. Advertising Campaign Description (this will be about one page)
Sample Text: “The company’s advertisements for cars uniquely focused on young people having fun with the car’s features…”
2. Links to Course Content (this will be about one page)
Sample Text: “Advertising serves a persuasive function which means that such messages try to change the attitudes of potential customers and affect their purchase decisions. This campaign showed a diverse group of trendy twenty-somethings having exciting experiences with the car in attempt to make the car seem more attractive to youthful audiences…” (note how the term from the course was put in bold, defined clearly, and linked to the campaign; you will do this for five different items discussed in the course)
3. Evaluation (this will be about half a page to a page)
Sample Text: “This campaign was ineffective because the brand remains somewhat stale and the images shown are not likely to persuade new audiences to like the car…” (you could also argue it was effective; this is opinion based; it just needs to be thoughtful and informed)

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