Posted: January 28th, 2023

  After studying the assigned reading The Handbook of Communication Science, Sec

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After studying the assigned reading The Handbook of Communication Science, Second Edition, Chapter 20: “Media Entertainment” and considering the topic of parasocial relationships, answer the following questions or prompts.
A) Identify a character in a show with whom you have developed (in the past or present) a parasocial relationship. Remember, this person can be “real” or a character role. Explain why this character/person is compelling to you.
B) How do you “know” or view this character outside of their role on the show? Have they influenced you in any way besides the aspect of entertainment?
C) Explain any emotional attachment to the character or person. Have they disappointed you? Motivated you? How and why? 
Support your responses with research from the Learning Resources. Use APA in-text citations where necessary and cite any outside sources. Create an APA reference list at the end of the document.

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