Posted: July 20th, 2022

All writing in 12 font 1 inch margins The textbook used for this course is call

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All writing in 12 font 1 inch margins The textbook used for this course is called: Operations Management, Second Edition
, Cachon, Terwiesch. ISBN: 978-1-260-23887-7 Your case analysis will: 1. The presentation will capture the following: 1. Context about the business case 2. Identify primary problem and symptoms of the problem of the case 3. Tease out primary concepts associated with the aforementioned that align with operations and supply chain management – make a correlation to the cases, text, and the goal- as well as discussions had in class 4. Facilitate analysis based on key data, (case detail, research, discussion – including assumptions) 5. Present proposed solutions with recommendations for practical application, (what should they do and how should they do it) 6. This should be a comprehensive review demonstrating your understanding of the case and concepts

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