Posted: September 29th, 2022

Also included in the readings are fbi summaries of each of those four offense types that include the general elements of the offense as well as some statistics regarding those offenses. 

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Discussion 13 – Property Crimes
Discussion: In the first required reading “Crime in the United States, 2018 – Property Crime”, the FBI includes four general offense types grouped together as part of its Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Program to collect data that it classified overall as property crime. Also included in the readings are FBI summaries of each of those four offense types that include the general elements of the offense as well as some statistics regarding those offenses. 
For your writing assignment:
(1) pick ONE (1) of those four offenses and generally describe the elements of the offense;
(2) describe what you believe your biggest challenge as an investigator would be proving all of those elements of the offense;
(3) identify AT LEAST ONE investigative tool or technique that you think would be critical to solving that case and explain why it is important.
For example, of you pick burglary as your topic, you will need to explain what the general elements of that offense are and then identify an element that you think is the biggest challenge to prove (is it proving the entry was unlawful, that a theft actually occurred, that a felony was committed, etc) then identify an investigative technique or service that will be critical (is it polygraphs, ballistic evidence, interviewing, crime scene management, etc).
Your initial post should be a minimum of 250-275 words. 

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