Posted: July 5th, 2022

Amazon’s operations are a marvel of automation and procedural efficiency, but the firm has also been subject to criticism regarding its warehouse work environment. Investigate this criticism on your own.

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Amazon’s operations are a marvel of automation and procedural efficiency, but the firm has also been subject to criticism regarding its warehouse work environment. Investigate this criticism on your own. Think through the connection between supply and demand as well as the customer-centered focus of Amazon as part of its corporate strategy. Do you feel the criticisms are valid? (Provide evidence either way!)
Are any of the critics also worthy of criticism? If so, how?
Do you feel Amazon has responded appropriately to this criticism? (Bring evidence either way.)
How would you respond if you were CEO of the firm?
What are takeaways from your own investigation that should inform your own actions as a manager?
As customers, what would your reaction be to Amazon’s response?

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