Posted: May 25th, 2022

American Airlines Delivers the Goods, with Data Science Workstations

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Let us find actual examples of the concepts you have recently learned. Each member of your group will identify an article describing a real-world data science project. As a group, you will choose the article that interests you most. Feel free to look at applications in business, government, nonprofits, or academic research. This can be an article from the popular press or it can be a research article published in a peer-reviewed journal. You don’t need to understand every detail, but you should be able to get a general understanding of the project. Your article should describe a specific application within an industry or research area, not just a list of many applications or possible projects. Please note this is a graded assignment.
Consider the following concepts while searching for appropriate articles:
The research question or problem
The chosen approach (supervised or unsupervised)
The required domain expertise
The relevant data type, collection method, and validity
Take a look at these articles as examples:
American Airlines Delivers the Goods, with Data Science Workstations
(Links to an external site.)
(2013) by Nicole Castro
Assessing Scientific Practices Using Machine-Learning Methods: How Closely Do They Match Clinical Interview Performance?
(Links to an external site.)
(2020) by Elizabeth P. Beggrow, Minsu Ha, Ross H. Nehm, Dennis Pearl & William J. Boone (you will need to log in with your UW credentials)
If you are having a hard time finding articles, try searching “machine learning” as well as an industry or a research area you are interested in. You can also search for a particular subset of data science applications, such as “natural language processing,” “image recognition,” or a technique you have heard about, such as “deep learning” or “neural networks.”
Now that your group has chosen an article, briefly answer the questions below. The article might not include all of this information. Use what you have to make your best guess, but be sure to indicate when you are making assumptions. Be prepared to informally present this information (5 minutes per group) during our live session. Your presentation should be organized, address all of the questions, and involve all group members, but there is no need to create a slide deck.
What problem was this project trying to solve? Was that goal achieved?
What approach was taken? Is this an example of supervised or unsupervised learning? If supervised, what is the outcome variable? Is it continuous or discrete?
Was there any special domain expertise needed to complete the project?
What kind of data was used? How was it collected or obtained? Do you think any important data was missing?

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