Posted: February 20th, 2022

Among the 30 and older population of men and women in your community, who are overweight with hypertension (P), does a diet and exercise regimen (I), compared to only a diet change regimen without exercise (C)promote more or less weight loss (O) within a 30 day period (T).

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Among the 30 and older population of men and women in your community, who are overweight with hypertension (P), does a diet and exercise regimen (I), compared to only a diet change regimen without exercise (C)promote more or less weight loss (O) within a 30 day period (T).
There are a number of issues within the nursing NP practice that should be addressed.  Unfortunately, not all of the issues can be addressed simultaneously. One issue in the nursing practice which poses an area of interest for me, which I touched base on in a previous course, are lifestyle changes. As we get older, our bodies tend to require more care. It is very important we as nurse practitioners inform our patients on the lifestyle changes for a healthier life. Life style changes or lifestyle modifications are known as things we can change in our lives for the better. Examples include, diet and exercise to promote weight loss and smoking cessation. An area I would like to see change in would be helping those more who want to make significant changes in their lives. Lifestyle changes play a significant role in getting people back into a better state of health. From smoking cessation to weight loss, having better control of diabetes and hypertension and overcoming obesity. Although these areas have shown improvement in recent years, but more should be done. Many Americans die from one of these categories each year. This is important because in order for there to be happier and healthier earth, we need to have the happier and healthier people first. For example, according to the CDC, 480,000 people die annually from cigarette smoke and that include second hand smoke as well.
Not enough is being done to combat these issues. Better screening tools should be put into play for those who actually want help with any of these categories. This is where healthcare and insurance come into affect. For those who are at risk, a free diagnostic test should be given and a discounted rate should awarded for successful completion of whatever program to help achieve the goal. For those who start and do not complete the program, a penalty fee should be assessed. Internal factors that would impact my changes would be funding marketing. External factors of course would be insurance companies and state legislatures. One tool that can be used is the Iowa Model which is used for evidence-based practice to promote excellence in health care. It was revised to better address sustainability of EBP, inter-professional change implementation and patient centered care for clinicians at all levels of practice (Wyant, 2017).

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