Posted: September 25th, 2022

An organization can make its system reliable by ensuring that performance measures are consistent across equally or similarly qualified judges and free of error.)

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There are several characteristics of an ideal performance management system.
Please discuss three characteristics of an ideal performance managment system and explain how an organization can achieve each characteristic. (For example, one characteristic of an ideal PM system is that it is reliable.
An organization can make its system reliable by ensuring that performance measures are consistent across equally or similarly qualified judges and free of error.)
Also, list one possible danger of a poorly implemented performance management system and explain what effect the selected danger would have on the organization. (For example, wasted time and money is a danger of a poorly implemented performance management system.
An organization will struggle to show return on investment and will lose opportunity to manage talent.)
Provide an example from your experience of either ideal system characteristics or the effect of a poorly implemented system.

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