Posted: October 14th, 2022

Analysis Memo of Mock Panel Interview

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Project 2 HOMEWORK: Analysis Memo of Mock Panel Interview
HOMEWORK: Part of the Participation in Professional Community grade and checked in class.
The best way to improve as a business presenter is to watch the video of your presentation multiple times. You may be surprised by what you see in your video. Step 1: For this assignment, you must re-read the following chapters: Read Chapter 3 of FBC “Rhetoric of Business Communication”
Read Chapter 4 of FBC “Delivering Oral Communications”
Step 2: Watch the video of your presentation several times, analyzing your rhetoric, voice, posture, body language and overall interview experience. Step 3: Write a 1 – 1.5 page (single-spaced) memo, using proper business memo format, detailing the key points in your analysis and observations. Address your memo to me.
Step 4: Proper business memo format can be challenging. For help, Chapter 3: Rhetoric in Business Communication in FBC provides quick guidance on memo format. Pages 41-44 provide student samples of memos. All business memos should include:introductory paragraph
body paragraphs with bold descriptive headers
closing paragraph
Step 5: Suggested topics you may want to address in your memo include:
Describe your process of preparing. How did you practice? Did you practice enough? Based on your performance and what you see in the video, what are your chances of landing the internship or at least progressing to the next round of interviews? What did you choose to say and why, and what did you choose to leave out? Is there anything now you wish you had or had not included?
Were your responses detailed and demonstrate clear ‘benefit’ to the employer? Were your responses too general? Did you provide context, action and results (CAR technique) for examples that you used? Did you clearly articulate your potential IMPACT on the employer’s organization as an intern? Your feelings before, during, and after the presentation. What you think you did well and why (in addition to content, address delivery—how you spoke, made eye contact, used hands, facial expression, etc.).
Your enthusiasm, confidence and most importantly, did you SMILE?
What you think could be improved upon and why.
Analyze the effectiveness of the panel interviewers. Were they organized and engaged during the interview? Did they provide positive feedback or no feedback to you?
End your memo with a brief EMAIL, or add it to the Canvas Submission Comments when uploading this assignment to Canvas. The email should be very short (2-4 sentences), thanking the company for the opportunity to interview, and inviting future contact. You don’t need the To: or From: However, please include a subject line, greeting, message, and sign-off.

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