Posted: July 12th, 2022

Analyze a LinkedIn Profile: Read the short article, “Exactly how to improve your LinkedIn profile to get more job offers

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Part 1
Analyze a LinkedIn Profile: Read the short article, “Exactly how to improve your LinkedIn profile to get more job offers
Find the LinkedIn profile for a successful person in your field (General Management) and evaluate their profile against the points made in this article.
· Provide a link to the LinkedIn profile you are discussing.
Submission – You will submit a 200 word analysis of the LinkedIn profile you chose to evaluate. You should focus both on what is good and what needs additional work (based on the article linked above).
Parte 2
In the previous assignment, you reviewed an article about strong LinkedIn profiles and analyzed one from someone prominent in your field of interest. For this assignment, it is time to use what you have learned to craft your own “About” section for your LinkedIn profile (yes, even if it is imaginary).
Submission – Based on the article, the “About” section should be about fifty (50) words long. You will submit one document that contains both the 50 word “About” section and an addition 100-150 words that explain your rhetorical choices regarding that about section. Why did you choose to include some things and leave some out, what parts of you did you focus on, etc.?

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