Posted: June 30th, 2022

Analyze how the stakeholders’ cultural perspectives affected their points of view in this conflict. Support your analysis with relevant examples.

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This short paper will help you synthesize information from the readings for this module and inform your thinking when you work on Section IV of the final project.
Creating a More Effective Organizational Culture: In this section, you will analyze the transcripts provided to determine the influence of cultural differences on the conflict.
A. Analyze how the stakeholders’ cultural perspectives affected their points of view in this conflict. Support your analysis with relevant examples.
B. Describe instances in which you see a match or gaps between the former employee and organizational culture. Support your description with specific examples.
C. Recommend strategies that individual stakeholders can use to deal with employees who have disparate cultural perspectives. Justify your recommendation(s) with appropriate conflict resolution concepts.
Using the final project transcripts provided and the articles “Bias Has No Place at Work” and “Workplace Religious Accommodation Issues for Adherents of Islam” from the module resources, assess the cultural needs of Kareem versus the culture at ABC Corporation. Where did you identify gaps? What should ABC Corporation do to meet Kareem’s needs while still maintaining performance expectations?
Your paper should include these critical elements:
An assessment of Kareem’s cultural needs
An assessment ABC Corporation’s organizational culture
A description of the gaps between Kareem’s cultural needs and the ABC Corporation organizational culture
Recommendations of strategies for ABC Corporation to meet Kareem’s needs while still maintaining performance expectations
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be submitted as a 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
Please follow these instructions: (a) Critical elements: Assessment of Kareem’s Cultural Needs and ABC Corporation’s Organizational Culture. Clearly analyzes all of the cultural perspectives and supports each with multiple relevant examples. (b) Description of Organizational Matches and Gaps: Clearly identifies gaps and describes matches in organizational cultures with specific examples. ( c) Recommendation of Strategies: Recommends appropriate strategies with supporting examples to address conflict resolution concepts. (d) Proper Use of APA Standards, Mechanics, and Grammar. Please add citations and references. Thank you!

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