Posted: February 19th, 2022
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Final Project RubricGuidelines for Submission: Your business implementation plan should be approximately 25 pages long (not including appendices, references, etc.), using 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You should use appropriate section headers to divide the text and cite references using the most recent APA conventions.
You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation.
This rubric will be applied to both components as a whole, and no component will be assessed on its own. The Possible Indicators of Success are examples for you and the instructor of the types of concepts to look for to demonstrate proficiency. They are neither exhaustive nor proscriptive and should be used as guides for illustrating how your capstone embodies the outcome. All outcomes are weighted equally.MBA-705-01: Analyze primary and secondary data using quantitative and qualitative techniques and information technology skills for effective problem solving and decision makingProficient100%Not Proficient0%Possible Indicators of SuccessDoes the student demonstrate the ability to develop problem statements, based on data-driven analysis, that justify why the proposed project is desirable, timely, and relevant?Does the student demonstrate the ability to identify market problems and opportunities using appropriate information technology and data analysis techniques and tools?Does the student demonstrate the ability to assess, using relevant primary and secondary data, how his or her concept fits into theoverall market ecosystem, including trends, consumer needs and preferences, and major competitors?Does the student demonstrate the ability to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze existing or potential competitors strategies in informing decisions about his or her own product or service?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to clearly present a financial analysis for the concept that shows the investment required as well as when the concept will break even?MBA-705-02: Lead and operate within cross-functional teams in complex and diverse business environmentsProficient100%Not Proficient0%Possible Indicators of Success Does the student demonstrate the ability to clearly designate the relevant operational functions and roles necessary in establishing an implementation team to execute the concept on time and on budget? Does the student demonstrate the ability to identify a leader for the concept implementation team with the relevant skills, experience, and professional profile that is likely to inspire trust among financial backers or other important stakeholders? Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze how the skills of each team member will contribute to successful implementation of the concept in dynamic and challenging business environments?Does the student demonstrate the ability to appropriately plan for contingencies across the organization should assumptions regarding contributing team members and business conditions prove incorrect?Does the student demonstrate the ability to plan strategies for strengthening organizational culture to successfully implement the concept?MBA-705-03: Demonstrate oral and written communication skills to effectively articulate thoughts and intentions in diverse business environmentsProficient100%Not Proficient0%Possible Indicators of SuccessDoes the student demonstrate the ability to integrate concept elements in a written report that effectively communicates relevant plan details, supported by evidence, to executive leadership, potential investors, or other financial backers? Does the student demonstrate the ability to effectively articulate his or her thoughts and intentions to the target audience through audiovisual media, highlighting the most important elements of the proposal for that audience succinctly and accurately?Does the student demonstrate the ability to deliver a clear, compelling, and professional oral presentation that is likely to convince financial backers to support the concept?Does the student demonstrate the ability to distinguish between the communications purposes of the written plan and audiovisual presentation and appropriately tailor the language and level of detail of each?
MBA-705-04: Integrate cross-cultural, economic, geopolitical, and systems knowledge to solve complex business problems in a global environmentProficient100%Not Proficient0%Possible Indicators of SuccessDoes the student demonstrate the ability to incorporate stakeholder and customer diversity in planning implementation of the concept?Does the student demonstrate the ability connect the concept to the larger global marketplace and analyze how that connection will impact planning, marketing, production, and implementation?Does the student demonstrate the ability to anticipate how government regulation and political realities will interact with the concept? Does the student demonstrate the ability to effectively plan project review processes and success indicators by applying business systems knowledge?Does the student demonstrate the ability to develop a plan that properly protects intellectual property and other non-tangible assets in the global business environment? Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze differences in regulatory requirements from country to country for how that impacts global competitiveness and concept implementation?MBA-705-05: Incorporate legal and ethical conduct and corporate social responsibility in making sustainable business decisionsProficient100%Not Proficient0%Possible Indicators of SuccessDoes the student demonstrate the ability to articulate the ways in which ethical precepts will be embedded throughout the implementation of the product, service, or idea?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to connect the concept with socially responsible approaches to the environment and to other stakeholders, incorporating diverse perspectives?Does the student demonstrate the ability to develop strategies that have the potential to strengthen corporate culture such that the culture supports high performance and ethical behavior over both the short term and long term?Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze the legal and regulatory environment to ensure compliance with relevant legal statutes and oversight?MBA-705-06: Create intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial opportunities in a global environment that add value to an organization through the integration, synthesis, and application of business practicesProficient100%Not Proficient0%Possible Indicators of SuccessDoes the student demonstrate the ability to synthesize established business practices with innovative approaches in acting onintrapreneurial or entrepreneurial opportunities?Does the student demonstrate the ability to integrate various project elements in presenting intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial opportunities to potential supporters?Does the student demonstrate the ability to create new business opportunities by effectively articulating the ways in which the concept will make money for the organization and its backers
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