Posted: August 25th, 2022

Analyze the industry in which one of the following two firms competes: either A

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Analyze the industry in which one of the following two firms competes: either Abita Brewing or Southwest Airlines. (Be careful to analyze the industry, not the company.) Your paper should have seven typed paragraphs as follows:
Define the industry—describe which sorts of firms are competing in this industry and which are not and explain the differences between the two (the boundaries of the industry).
What factors (pos. & neg.) have a significant influence on Competitive rivalry
What factors (pos. & neg.) have a significant influence on The bargaining power of suppliers
What factors (pos. & neg.) have a significant influence on The bargaining power of buyers
What factors (pos. & neg.) have a significant influence on The threat of substitute products
What factors (pos. & neg.) have a significant influence on The threat of new entrants
Overall rating for the industry (1=very unattractive, 10=very attractive). Justify your rating using your analysis in the preceding paragraphs. What are the Key Success Factors (KSFs) for this industry? Be sure to EXPLAIN your positions—do not simply list the items

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