Posted: July 22nd, 2022

Answer the following question in reflection of the book “How Design Makes the World” by Scott Berkun

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Answer the following question in reflection of the book “How Design Makes the World” by Scott Berkun
1. What is the book’s message for managers? Consider what the book emphasizes
regarding design and innovating, and helping individuals and organizations do
this more effectively.
2. How did this book relate to or fit in with your educational experiences at DePaul and/or previous higher education (undergrad)? This can include courses you took, or classroom experiences related to creativity, design and innovation that support or contradict the book’s messages.
3. What points help you plan or reconsider the way you identify and solve problems and/or search for new opportunities in your work and/or career?
4. What did you learn from the book? Give an example of one or two significant “take-aways” from the book.

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