Posted: February 23rd, 2022

Applying Crenshaw’s theory of Intersectionality, reflect on the ways race, class, and gender intersected and impacted South African runner Caster Semenya.

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Intersectionality has become a blanket term in some respects in recent years, quite different from what Crenshaw first articulated when she coined the term decades ago. Applying Crenshaw’s theory of Intersectionality, reflect on the ways race, class, and gender intersected and impacted South African runner Caster Semenya. Be sure to:Identify and describe how each of her identities collide to subjugate her.Take into consideration the stage that this scenario is playing out on and what impacts this can have on the future for sports.Consider how institutions wield power, and employ it to the disadvantage of individuals with specific overlapping identities. Additionally you may use examples or situations that are related but not cited in the article to assist with your reflection. mayBe sure to respond to the prompt and remain on topic. The length of the response should be one page double spaced. If you go over by a couple of sentences that is fine. Since this is a reflection of your thoughts I do not anticipate you needing a reference page, but if you choose to include outside sources please cite them in APA format. Lastly, a title page containing your name, assignment, class, and date is also required.
Requirements: 2page

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