Posted: July 5th, 2022

artificial intelligence or AI.

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This first week we will read and talk about artificial intelligence or AI. There are many terms that are used to describe AI and the application to our work and home life. Here are a few such terms: expert systems, knowledge engineering, machine learning, neural networks.
As part of studying the history of AI, your fun job this week is to find a term such as the above terms and describe what that terms means to the field of AI. But, do not use the terms listed above. As you examine your AI term, do explore with your colleagues in this class, this week, what those others terms mean toward business applications. That is, of all the new terms you will uncover this week, which ones do you suspect or have evidence of that contribute or could contribute to some aspect of business operations. Of course, the definition of the specific type of business operations needs to be part of that discussion.

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