Posted: July 5th, 2022

As a leader, you need to be sensitive to the ever-changing internal climate and external environment.

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250 footnotes per slide and refences inside the footnotes as well as at the end of the Power Point. One of the most difficult tasks that leaders can face is
initiating organizational change. As a leader, you need to be sensitive to the
ever-changing internal climate and external environment. For example, changes
in the market, products, and competition may all be factors that lead to a need
for change. Applying organizational development (OD) techniques to management
problems is an essential skill because the primary task of leadership is to
manage change; however, before a change can be implemented, the organization
must anticipate the need.
To date, the executive team has been reactive to the situations
affecting their department and is unfamiliar with a systems approach to OD.
Based on what you already know about the climate and external factors affecting
Heavy WorX, what conditions or organizational needs exist that may provide the
impetus for a large-scale organizational development or planned change program?
Develop a PowerPoint
presentation to illustrate to the executive leadership team some potential
problems at Heavy WorX that could be changed using OD principles.
Define and describe what it
means to use a systems-based approach to change, such as social-technical
systems theory, and discuss the benefits of such an approach.
What OD steps or planned change
models would you follow at Heavy WorX?
How will you modify these steps
or phases to tailor them to the specific needs of Heavy WorX?

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