Posted: September 29th, 2022

As this essay includes reflection, you can write in first-person perspective. You should justify your thinking by reading widely on the topic, from all types of sources, e.g., textbooks, journals, and electronic sources

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Reflect on and critically analyse a change you have experienced. This change can be personal or professional. This reflection and critical analysis should be written in an essay format and integrate theories and concepts from the first three topics in the unit. Word Limit – 1500 words (+/- 10%). Essay word limit does not include the end reference list or the cover page.
As this essay includes reflection, you can write in first-person perspective. You should justify your thinking by reading widely on the topic, from all types of sources, e.g., textbooks, journals, and electronic sources. Develop a clear argument and ensure that it is written in proper essay structure.
topics to be covered:
resistance as a valuable contribution when change is happening
six strategies to manage resistance:
Education and
Participation and
Facilitation and
Negotiation and
Manipulation and
Explicit and implicit
personal experience: two years back i had shifted to US from Dubai for college, i lived alone and this was a major change in my life….an essay revolving around this would be great

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