Posted: November 19th, 2022

Assignment description given by professor:

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Assignment Description Given By Professor:
You are writing the summative paper for this unit (The Individual Written Argument). That paper will mirror Task Two of the A.P. assessment. The paper you are writing is a shorter version of the essay you will write for Task Two of A.P. Exam:
-Use at least one of the following sources (Pale Blue Dot, A Letter to My Nephew, Why I Love a Country that Once Betrayed Me) to determine a specific theme. Include those that source in your paper. It should be more than just a mention. You can tell us how that source led to your theme, or you can use it as a source to support your argument, or both.
-Once you’ve determined that theme, form a research question based on that theme. (For example: If you chose the theme of culture… your question might be… “How does the way we communicate impact our ability to bridge cultural differences within society?”)
-Find at least two additional outside sources that address your research question. They should be strong sources that truly support your argument. It CANNOT be a source you’ve already used in a Seminar writing or presentation.
-Answer your research question in the form of a strong, workable thesis. Have body paragraphs that support your argument and consider using a counterclaim.
-Write an argumentative essay based on that thesis, your argument, and your sources.
-State your exact research question and your theme in your opening paragraph
-750 words long (You must write between 650-850 words)
-Typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font w/ 1” margins
-Have, and indent, paragraphs
-Heading in upper, right hand corner (name, date, class period) of first page
-Follow APA guidelines on citations and a separate work-cited page (that is alphabetized)
Some Helpful Hints:
Themes can feel like lenses. (The economy, racism, war, language, etc.) They are big, and impact most, if not all, people. Pick one that covers the assigned source before you select your outside source, or sources.
Spend some significant time coming up with a strong question and thesis (you can run these by me and your classmates). The question is key. Your thesis should directly answer the question. If your thesis doesn’t ‘feel’ like an argument, your thesis or question is flawed.
Because of the relatively short time period for this assignment, I am not requiring you to find a counter-argument source. (You can still do that if you like.)
You will have multiple class periods to work on this paper, but a good deal of your writing will be done at home. This is a summative grade and a ‘dress rehearsal’ for the A.P. paper you will write as part of Task Two. Please turn in your best work. Show your work to classmates or other A.P. Seminar students. Give, and get, good, honest feedback.

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