Posted: November 17th, 2022

Assignment is due to be submitted by6:30 p.m.

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Students create a powerpoint of their own business concept. MY BUISNESS IS A DESIGNER SHIRT BRAND NAME ” SKE ” Provide a
business plan and anticipated budget. This individual assignment should reference the experience and lessons learnt in the class and
how they relate to the course materials. In addition Slides should contain the following additional information:
1. Name of business – SKE
2. Type of business (business classification/formation type) TYPE OF BUSINESS IS A CLOTHING BRAND
3. Industry
4. Budget, Anticipated expenses
5. Short term and long-term business plans
6. Succession Plan
Students will be evaluated on creativity ( PLEASE BE CREATIVE ADD PICTURES AND GRAPHS) and demonstration of understanding of the concepts discussed in the class. Using appropriate
terminology and frameworks is strongly recommended. The assignment should not be less than 7 slides and not exceed 12 slides. Pleaseuse 12 pt. fonts of Times New Roman 1.5 line spacing. Assignment is due to be submitted by6:30 P.M. ON DUE DATE. No extensions will be given without prior approval.

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